Featured ResearchTherapist Effects in Addiction Treatment A persistent finding in addiction treatment research is that clients’ substance use outcomes are significantly affected by who provides…
Featured ResearchSpirituality and Health It always seemed natural to me, as a lifelong Christian, to think of spirituality/religiousness as a natural part of human life…
Featured ResearchRelapse Research: Predicting Treatment Outcome The concept of “relapse” was borrowed from medicine, and has long been in popular usage to describe any recurrence…
Featured ResearchMatching Clients to Treatment The largest clinical trial ever conducted for alcoholism treatment methods was Project MATCH, a collaborative study involving nine clinical sites,…
Featured ResearchHealth Care and Brief Intervention One of the early and surprising findings in our research on behavioral self-control training was that significant behavior change often followed…
Featured ResearchDissemination and Training of Evidence-Based Treatments One strong interest throughout my career has been promoting the transfer of science into practice, one important component…
Featured ResearchCross-Cultural Research and Treatment One of the joys of living in New Mexico is its multicultural population. We have been able over the years to explore cross-cultural…
Featured ResearchThe Community Reinforcement Approach to Addiction Treatment The Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) is a broad-spectrum addiction treatment method originally developed by Nathan Azrin and…
Featured ResearchThe Combine Study Combining Medication and Behavioral Intervention in Treating Alcohol Dependence The COMBINE Study was a multisite clinical trial sponsored by the National…
Featured ResearchBehavior Therapies My primary training at the University of Oregon was in behavioral and cognitive psychotherapies. The main thrust of my work in this area if described in two…
Featured ResearchBehavioral Self-Control TrainingBehavioral Self-Control Training (“Controlled Drinking”) This was the first line of research that I undertook, beginning with my dissertation in 1974 (Miller,…
Featured ResearchAssessment Instruments Good science requires good measurement. Our research group at CASAA has been particularly active in developing and improving instruments for measuring addiction treatment…
Featured ResearchResearch on Alcoholics Anonymous Principally under the direction of Professor J. Scott Tonigan, our research group at CASAA has conducted a series of scientific…
Featured Research Addiction Treatment Outcome Evaluation Although there are hundreds of published studies on what treatment methods are most (and least) effective in treating alcohol…